About Us
We are passionate about havanese.
Interested? Give us a call at 530-674-2517.

Breeders who have had our dogs and or used them in their breeding programs including but limited to:
Bellatak – Kathy and Tom Patrick
Encore – Marilyn Vaughn
Classique – Bea Sawka
Tapscott – Pamm Tapscott
Ohana – Lisa Estrada
Tamaran – Sheryl Roach
Tigerlily – Carol Hutton
JanJems – Janet Wahl
Rumderry – Wendy Wheat
Dansa – Sue Burns
Grand Champion Amor's Suit N Tie

We Are Amor Havanese
Champion Havanese Breeders in California.
Top Quality Havanese for Pet or Show
Along with her husband Bob, Mary Lopez began her dog breeding, training, grooming and show career with St. Bernard’s in 1969 and migrated to Briards in 1976 when they started Mon Jovis Briards. Mon Jovis Briards quickly established itself as one of the United States premiere names in conformation champions finishing well over 150 dogs. Many of these dogs with group placements, group wins, specialty wins and National wins. A number of these dogs are included in the Briard Hall of Fame and have received Records of Merit. Mon Jovis dog have ranked in the top ten for many years and held the number one Briard all systems in 1990.
Mary’s successes in the show ring are the results of many years of continual attention to enhancing her kennel’s conformation, temperament, structure, coat and movement- all of which are now the focus for her Havanese. She uses her intimate knowledge of the breed standard to very selectively breed the strongest traits from one line of dogs to another with complementary characteristics. For the show ring, Mary augments the dog’s basic conformation with an in depth understanding of pedigree’s and health issues of all dogs in her kennel, she also uses the most effective grooming approach to highlight a dogs highly favored points. She passes grooming tips on to owners interested in either showing or just a “family pet”, so they benefit from Mary’s years of grooming experience. Having such a successful breeding and show record has also provided an environment for Mary to accumulate an “encyclopedia’s” worth of veterinary and feeding knowledge. Mary’s contributions to the Briards extends well beyond Mon Jovis Kennels. She was the founder of Briard West and a member of the Briard Club of America and a big participant of Briard rescue. Several Mon Jovis Briards have made their claim to fame via movies and commercials.
Mary and Bob moved into Havanese in 1999 and have quickly become very competitive. Some of their wins include 2020 Westminster Best of Opposite Sex, 2019 Havanese Club of America National Specialty Best In Sweeps, Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Breed, Number One Stud Dog, Award of Merit and Reserve Winners Bitch. 2019 Florida Havanese Club Winner’s Dog and Best of Winners. 2007 Havanese Club of America Regional Winners Bitch, Best Of Winners, Reserve Winners Bitch. Havanese Club of America National Award of Merit and Best Puppy. 2006 Best of breed Havanese Club of America Regional Award of Merit. Havanese Club of America National, Aware of Merit. Number 2 Havanese going into Eukanuba. 2005 Winners Bitch Regional Havanese Club of America, Winners Dog, Best In Sweeps over 100 puppies and Best puppy. 2004 Top 5 Havanese Bitch and 2003 Best of Breed Eukanuba. Mary and Bob will continue to strive to produce the best Havanese and healthiest.